#Name of the Course                    DurationCourse fee
     Full Scholarships       External students
01Microsoft Officemonths 10     Free6000.00
02Microsoft Office KIDSmonths 10     Free3000.00
03Graphic Designmonths 10     Free6000.00
04Hardware and Networkingmonths 10     Free4500.00

Method of Recruitment

  1. Applications can be obtained from the Municipal Council Office or Nenasala Computer Training Center.
  2.  The duly completed application form should be submitted to the Municipal Council Office or Nenasala Computer Training Center.
  3.  Course fees can be paid in lump sum or in part after selecting in to courses.

Applying for full scholarships or partial scholarships

1. If you are a resident of Municipal Council area and you are a low income school student you can apply for full scholarship.

2. The application for scholarships should be completed and submitted to the Mayor / Municipal Commissioner with the recommendation of the member of Council of your division.

Opening Hours – 7:00 am – 6:00 pm

Upper Kindergarten – (04 to 05 Years)

Call – 025 – 3021026

Age Category                               Monthly Rental Rs      Monthly rental for only half of a day.

01 to 03 yrs                                    4000.00                               (Depends on age limit)

04 to 05 yrs                                    3000.00                                 2500.00

Over  05 yrs                                   3000.00                                 2500.00

Phone 025-3021026

Chief Controller of Daycare Center
025 -3021026

Documents Required

• Photocopy of the approved survey plan

• Request letter

• Non-Acquisition Certificate. (If the certificate of non-acquisition is not available, the last receipt of assessment fee paid.)

Street Line Certificate Fee – Rs 500.00 (VAT imposed by the Government will be added to the above fee)

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

The customer has to fill the following documents when booking the vehicle.

• Provide the request letter stating the required number of hours.

• After approved the request, the value of the receipt issued by the subject clerk, should be resent to the subject clerk after paying the payment to the Department of Finance.

• It is compulsory to pay a fee for every hour that exceeds the recommended number of hours.

• Serial Number       Machine                   duration                 Rentals Fee Rs.

      01.                     J.C.B machine             01 hour                       Rs.3500.00

      02.                     Stone Roll                    04 hours                      Rs.10, 000.00

      03.                      Sakai roll                      01 hour                        Rs. 883.24

      04.                     Motor Grader Machine    01 hour                       Rs. 5,500.00

     05 GI-4913 Floor for loading the stone roll       Amount + Retention Rs. 2,000.00

     06              lawn mower tractor machine 1 hour                       Rs. 2000.00

Rental capacity of 3600 liters of tractor water bowser

Per 1 km                                                                                     Rs.150.00

For water                                                                                    Rs.600.00

Total charge                                                                                Rs.750.00

Water Capacity 8000 liters 227 – 3186 Water Bowser Rentals

For the first 10 km                                                                    Rs.2000.00

Per additional 1km                                                                    Rs.100.00  

Water Supply –                                                                          Rs.1500.00

Ambulance rental charges

Fixed charges                                                                             Rs.300.00

Retention Fee                                                                             Rs.2000.00

For one km                                                                                 Rs.30.00

 (VAT imposed by the government and all the above charges add up.)

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

  • Completing the application obtained from the Inquiry Section of the Municipal Council and recommending by the Revenue Inspector
  • Completed and recommended application

Fee – Rs.500.00 (VAT fees charged by the government will be added)

Upon payment, you can get the certificate of non-acquisition at the same time.

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Obtain the approval of the Head of the institution by submitting a letter of request

• Pay the due fees

• Once the payment receipt is given to the subject clerk, the relevant dates will be allocated and a letter will be issued.

Requirement                        No. 2 Community Center     .               Pubudupura Community Center No. 5.

Hall for commercial purposes        only  Rs. 10,000.00 per day                      Rs.  2000.00 per day

Lawn for commercial purposes only Rs 5000.00 per day                                  1,000.00 per day for public purposes

Land for commercial purposes           Rs. 3,500.00 per day                     For commercial /public purpose Rs.200.00 per hour

Only the Hall for public works          Rs. 3,000.00 per day                                  –

Only the Front area for public purposes  Rs.2,000.00 per day                           –

Only the Front area for  meetings          Rs.2,000.00 per day                             –

Hall with Chairs for meetings –             Rs.2,500.00 per day –                           –

Reservation of Hall for one hour        Rs.300.00

For electricity  per day                     Rs.300.00                                    Rs.300.00

For Public Meetings –                        Rs. 500.00

Can fulfill your requirement within 7 days by submitting complete information with accurate information

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Applications for permits for industries that can be licensed under the Municipal Authority should be obtained from the Municipal Council.

Documents to be submitted along with the completed application

  • Document confirming the title or ownership of the land
  • Copy of the Business Name Registration Certificate
  • A copy of the building plan approval or conformity certificate
  • Copy of Merchant License
  • Copy of the environmental recommendation letter
  • Copy of the plan
  • Copy of the Remedial System.
  • Recommendation of the Forest Department
  • Recommendation of the Department of Wildlife
  • Recommendation of the Department of Archeology
  • Outline chart how to reach the place (manual draw)

Initial investment                             fee

Rs. 25,000.00 or less                  Rs. 3000.00

Rs. 25,000.00 -200,000.00        Rs. 3750.00

Rs. 500,000 – 1,000,000.00       Rs. 5000.00

More than Rs. 10,000,000.00   Rs. 10,000.00

  • This amount will include government approved tax money. VAT tax money will accumulate.
  • The receipt for payment of the inspection fee, duly completed application form should be submitted to the Urban Environmental Technical Progress Review Committee with the relevant information and the approved application should be Rs. 4000 / – License can be obtained after paying the license fee.

Renewal of Environmental Protection License

• Application should be received 3 months prior to the expiration of the license

• Applications should be obtained from the Municipal Council

• After the recommendation of the committee, the application fee is Rs. 4000 / – permit can be obtained

An application to remove tree debris and building debris should be filled and submitted to the Municipal Council or to the Health Administrator or Municipal Council concerned.

Upon filling the application form and submitting the quantity to the Health Administrator, it should be submitted to the Urban Health Department.

Making payments

  • Tree branches Tractor Load                                  Rs. 1000.00
  • For a  tractor load of building debris                     Rs. 1500.00

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-222205

Recycling of reused plastic and polythene and thereby generating additional revenue for the municipal council.

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Classifying complaints from the public

• Obtaining an inspection report to be distributed to field public health inspectors

• Action to resolve the complaint within 7 or 14 days

• Municipal council ordinances if the complaint is not resolved taking legal action according to the Act

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

• Check the height, weight and eyes of the school children

• Referring to children with poor eyesight

• Providing nutritional advice to children by identifying their shortness, thinness, overweight and     obesity.

• Identify Thalassemia patient students and refer them for treatment.

• Identify sick children and refer them to the relevant clinics at the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital for specialist treatment.

• Providing adult tetanus vaccination for school children and monks in Pirivenas who have completed 12 years of age

• Cervical Cancer Prevention Vaccination for Girls in Schools

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Opening Hours – 7:00 am – 6:00 pm

Upper Kindergarten – (04 to 05 Years)

The monthly fee is Rs. 2000.00

• The recruitment fee is Rs. 1000.00 for first time admission of a child.

• First year uniforms for children are provided free of charge by the Municipal Council.

Phone 025-3134870
P.W.A.Sanjeewani uditha
Chief controller of early childhood development center.

Documents Required

• Issue of the deed

• A photocopy of the approved survey plan.

• Two copies of building plans

• Road map to inspect the proposed land.

• Assessment Payment Receipt.

Area by square feet’s          Area by Square meters               For buildings

                                                                                              Residential Rs               Business Rs.

     Up to 500                                 45                                           500                           1000

    501- up to1000                      45-90                                          1500                         2000

1001- up to 2000                      90-180                                           2500                       3000

2001- up to 3000                     181-270                                           3500                      4000

3001-up to 5000                        271-450                                          4500                      6000

5001-up to7500                         451-675                                          5500                       8000

7501- up to 10000                     676-900                                            6500                     10000

10001- up to 13200                   901-1225                                           7500                     12000

More than 13200                       More than 1225                                  7500                     12000

For each 1000 Sq.feet after 13200 For each increasing 90Sq.m after 1225  1000            1250

Note – Building applications in excess of 4,000 square feet should be referred to the UDA.

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Compliance Certificate fee is Rs. 3,000.00 for every meter over 300 square meters Rs.100.00 will be charged. (VAT included)

Issuance of residential construction approved compliance certificates

  • . 01. Rs.300 / = for every 1km and over Rs.
    • Area Rs.3000 / – for every 100 km 20.00 per 1 Rs

 The fee varies depending on the part of the compliance certificate.

A Merchant License should be obtained for a Merchant Institution within the Municipal Council area.

• Completing the application obtained from the Inquiry Section of the Municipal Council and recommending by the Revenue Inspector

• Completed and recommended application

• A receipt is issued after paying the license fee.

• Issuing Trade License of the building is issued after the approval of Municipal commissioner when the reference approval is given by  the Public Health Inspector, Urban Fire Brigade and Municipal Accountant with the compliance certificate of the building.

Completing and submitting the application by the Registered Planner of the Municipal Council. Handing over the approved fee paid receipt to the subject clerk. Designer Fees – Rs. 50.00

(VAT imposed by the government will be added to the above fee)

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

• Get a letter of request and get the approval of the Head of the institution

• Pay the due fees

• Once the payment receipt is given to the subject clerk, the relevant dates will be allocated and a letter will be issued. (Reservation can be made within the day of request)


we can fulfill your requirement within 7 days by submitting complete information with accurate information

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

1. Completing the application obtained from the Inquiry Section of the Municipal Council and submitting it to the Finance Department

2. Submit the completed and recommended application to the cash desk for payment of fees

3. Receipt of stickers to the amount of banners / cutouts from the subject clerk after payment (these stickers should be affixed to the banners / cutouts displayed)

4.  If both sides of the billboard are used for advertising, both sides will be charged.


Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

  • Get the letter of the Divisional Secretary confirming that the registration is suitable or unsuitable
  • Upon receipt of the letter of request, submit it to the Divisional Public Health Inspector
  • Get the recommendation of the Public Health Inspector in charge of the division.
  • Get the recommendation of the Chief Public Health Inspector for that recommendation
  • Issue the letter to the Divisional Secretary with the recommendation of the Chief Urban Health Physician or the Municipal Commissioner that the business is eligible for registration.

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Control of mosquito population

• Conducting public awareness programs, Shramadana.

• Conduct fumigation of institutions

• Entomological surveys and inspection of relevant areas for confirmed patients

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

The Anuradhapura Public Library is located near the Anuradhapura Municipal Council. The Public Library provides services to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the city dwellers. The library consists of several sections, which act according to needs.

Opening Hours

• Every  weekdays  From 8.30 am to 5.00 pm (except Public Holidays)

• The Lending Division will be open from 08:30 am to 4:45 pm.

 • The library is not open to readers on the last Friday of each month.

Ordinary Membership

A person who resides within the limits of the Municipal Council or who runs an office or business, or the staff of an educational institution, should pay fee of Rs.50.00 for become a member of lending section.

Membership fee of Rs.25.00 should pay by a school students to become a member of lending section after producing a signed sealed letter by the principal of the school .They also have to produce a guarantor. Membership must be renewed every year after re-payment.


Ms. S.N.M.P.M. Nawarathne

Chief Librarian


Special membership.

Membership is granted by paying a sum of surety of Rs.1000.00 other than the membership fee for any person involving in any education purpose or any service within city limits and residing within Anuradhapura district.

For membership granting In addition to the membership fee a surety fee of Rs. 500.00 should pay by any students who are studying in any school in the Anuradhapura district..

• Phone number – 025-2222629

• Email – anupubliclibray@gmail.com

• Lending section

Books other than permanent and reference works are allowed to lend. Membership is required to lend these books out. An application form prepared for this purpose is issued by the lending Division and must be duly filled and handed over. Two books are issued at a time. Membership must be renewed every year.

• Children’s section.

Membership is available for children under 14 years of age. Membership should be obtained after the duly completed application form is handed over by the Children’s Division. Two books are allowed to lend at one time. Membership must be renewed once a year. Upon receiving the membership, children will have the opportunity to join the programs conducted by the Children’s Division.

• Reference section.

  • There are three sections in this division, namely, Sinhala / English and Walisingha Harischandra (Rare Books). Lending of books in this section is not allowed.
  • Academic activities should be carried out within the section and no other books will be permitted to be brought in.
  • Facilities are provided to access to books.

• Newspaper Section

  • Newspapers are purchased in all three languages.
  • Daily Newspapers filed as a monthly file and can be used in that section.

 Periodicals Section.

  • Timely magazines can be used in all three languages.

 Special Collection Division.

The following information are available from this section.

o Gazette Collection from 1956

o 1952 Collection of Acts

o Central bank records and other information services

o Newspaper Cutting Service (Examination Seminars & Special Information)

Computer Section.

You have to pay a fixed fee for services rendered in this sector.

Internet Services, Printing Copying Services

o Photocopy Service

 A4- Rs.3.50

 A3- Rs.12.00

 Legal – Rs

ID Copy- Rs.5.00

o Scan and CD Writing

o Provide information on projects (via internet)

o Other – on current requirements.

• Academic Division.

They have been provided with their books and notes to facilitate their studies

• Branch libraries.

  • The Ratanasara Library.

This library is located in the Ratanasara Dharmayathanaya, No. 240 division in Anuradhapura Municipal Council limits. These facilities have been provided by the Municipal Council for the needs of the residents of the area.

Phone 025-2222629

Facilities at Sunatha Rest Room

• All rooms are available for pilgrims with all the facilities to stay. (07 rooms with bathrooms, 12 rooms with common bathrooms)
• Pilgrims’ lodging facilities (09 halls)
• Common Bathing areas and common sanitary facilities
Day / night protection and security services are conducted for the security facilities.

Details of fees of Sunatha Rest Room

Information about halls
Booking the whole sunatha Resorts including all rooms and halls- Total Reservation Fee – Rs. 30,500.00 + 36,100.00 = Rs. 66,600.00
(VAT imposed by the government will be added to the above fee)

Address – Sunatha Rest House, Pooja Town, Anuradhapura
Telephone 025-2053975

NHDA Circuit Bungalow – Anuradhapura, ideally located in the Ancient City, provides easy access to most of the city’s must-see destinations. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to Atamastana, folk museum and archaeological museum etc and enjoy the view of Basawakkulama just opposite the circuit bungalow.
This is located approximately 4kms from Anuradhapura town.
Parking facility is available at the circuit bungalow premises.

• Accommodation for local and foreign tourists.
• Rooms with all the amenities for lodging.
• Those who are staying can prepare meals with a notice in advance if necessary.
• Free accommodation for drivers of lodging officers.
• The facilities for prepare milky foods and offerings are available.

J.S. Rasika Udayanga
Circuit Bungalow Keeper

Address – Anuradhapura Municipal Council Circuit Bungalow, Pooja Town.

By contacting 025-2222275 or 025-2237890 can reserve the place.

Details of fees
Complete Circuit Bungalow With Kitchen Rs. 30,000
VAT imposed by the government will be added to the above fee)

TelePhone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Documents Required

  • Freehold land with deeds
  • If it is a state land, the letter confirming the ownership by the Divisional Secretary.
  • Original and two certified copies of the subdivision plan drawn up by the Surveyor no less than 1: 1000.
  • Photocopies of the approved subdivision if it is a parcel of land
  • Road map to inspect the proposed land.
  • Payment Receipt.

If the area is more than 112.23 square meters (40 Perches) should be referred to the Urban Development Authority for approval.

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

Documents Required

  • Request letter including the approved building plan number and assessment number.

Building Limit Certificate Fee – Rs. 300.00 (VAT imposed by the government and will be added to the above fee)

Approved charges

Application Fee – Rs. 100.00

Inspection fee – Rs. 1000.00

• Completing the application obtained from the Inquiry Section of the Municipal Council and recommending  to the Revenue Inspector

• Completed and recommended application

Documents Required

1. Purchase of freehold and licensed land separately

2. The following information should be submitted along with the completed application form

o Completed form by an Approved Attorney at Municipal Council

o Deed and photocopy of the relevant property

o If it is an approved subdivision, a certified copy of the plan

o Description of property registered in the District Land Registry office

o If a valuation is paid for the property, a photocopy of the receipt and a new assessment number should be obtained.

o Documents confirming the ownership of the deeds / permits issued by the Divisional Secretary or Land Commissioner (copy of all documents should be certified by a lawyer

You can fulfill your requirement within 7 days by submitting complete information with accurate information

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

The following documents should be submitted by the lessor

  • A photocopy of the National Identity Card
  • Birth certificate and its photocopy
  • A copy of the electoral register for the recent year.
  • Marriage certificate and its photocopy
  • Grama Niladhari Certificate to confirm the residency
  • Death certificate if spouse dies
  • An affidavit stating that there is no objection from the husband / wife / child
  • Grama Niladhari certificate on family details
  • Affidavit relevant to the request letter for the transfer of the shop

Documents to be provided by the transferor

•Birth Certificate

• Marriage certificate

• Grama Niladhari certificate on family details

• A photocopy of the National Identity Card

• A copy of the electoral register for the recent year.

• Affidavit relating to the request letter for the stall

Phone 025-2222275 / 025-2222052

• Application should be obtained from the Department of Urban Health.

• Duly completed application form along with the road description should provide.

• Rs. 100 / – Payment for the field inspection.

• Once the relevant field inspection has been verified,

අනුරාධපුර නගර සභා බල ප්‍රදේශයේ වැඩිහිටි ප්‍රජාවගේ හා අනෙකුත් ජනතාවගේ සෞඛ්‍ය පහසුකම් වැඩිදියුණු කිරිම සදහා ලහිරු ක්‍රිඩා පිට්ටනිය අසල පිහිටි නාගරික සෞඛ්‍ය මධ්‍යස්ථානය මගින් රසායානාගර පහසුකම් ලබා දීම සිදු කිරිම

පහත සදහන් පරික්ෂණ සිදු කරගත හැක

අ/අ(Serial No)පරික්ෂණය(Examination)
01Lipid profile
02Total Cholesterol Test
03Full Blood Count
04Serum Crating
05Fasting sugar test (FBS)
06Urine test (UFR

දුරකථන අංක 025-2057401

(Tel NO; 025 2057401)


  • Make public aware of the date, place and the time
  • Doing the disease Prevention of all the pets arriving within the day.

These activities are carried out in the veterinary office on daily basis.
Phone NO 025-8661955